Upon arrival in Gabon, our team will embark on a series of missions activities and service projects. The following loose outline of our schedule has been provided by the organization that is leading our trip:
~A Moving Medical Clinic- supplying primary care and the possibilities of a vbs with the children. Our time is fairly loose, and will allow us to interact with the locals in different ways
~The Hopehouse Orphanage- Interacting with children in the orphanage and loving on them. Sharing the word of God, helping in whatever way we can, and just being the light shining through to them.
~Physical Labor!- Digging a ditch for our host, Pastor Phillipe, that will run to the church and provide better plumbing for the surrounding facilities. Our efforts in the sun should help provide his family's living quarters with a shower and toilet.
Additionally, we hope to improve the roofing of the church, providing a shelter out of tin roofing to better accommodate the church body.
Specifics of our physical labors are pretty vague still, so we're trusting in God that our faithful service will help fulfil his will for our trip. Our trip will centralize around these large activities, giving us a focus to better aim our service. Further details will be posted later for more prayer opportunities.